Ebbing’s Silverberry – Elaeagnus x ebbingei –


4 in stock



***Pick up only***

Currently we only offer live plants for pickup on the West Coast, either in Charleston or Westport. In the future we will offer shipping options for the rest of New Zealand.



Ebbing’s silverberry (or just Silverberry) is an evergreen shrub growing up to 4-5 metres diameter. It’s hardy to approximately -20 degree frosts, and grown mainly for two reasons – it is a strong nitrogen fixer has edible berries thar ripen very early in the season. As a nitrogen fixer – Silverberry grows relatively quickly and can provide shelter from wind and excellent chop and drop mulch for the rest of the garden, and works excellently as a hedge. One silverberry can provide the nitrogen for approximately 3 fruit trees.

As a fruit crop, Silverberry is definitely a B-grade fruit, however it tends to ripen fruit in late Spring – a time when there aren’t many fruits around, so for that reason it is worth growing. The berries are approximately 2cm long by 1cm diameter, and can be quite astringent unless fully ripe. The seed inside is a bit fibrous but is also edible, with a mild taste but containing lots of protein and oils (spit the seed out after chewing).

Size of plant: Approximately 30cm


Growing Instructions

Silverberry requires well-drained soils (does not like waterlogged soil), but because of the nitrogen fixation ability – can grow in relatively poor soils. It can grow in full sun to partial shade. Other than that – it’s pretty care free.